SLACC aims to increase critical thinking skills in young people and provide the communication skills necessary to debunk false news on climate change. SLACC wants to prepare young people to become climate ambassadors and defend our planet from destructive practices.

SLACC is a project, co-funded by the European Commission within the programme Erasmus+, which arises from the need to debunk the myths relating to climate change.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences. However, there is a huge flow of disinformation aimed at confusing public opinion and creating doubt about the existence of climate change. The media and social media have become the main vehicles for fake news. Yet most young people are becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis and see the fight against climate change as a crucial issue.

SLACC ist ein europäisches Project mit dem Ziel, die Mythen über den Klimawandel zu entlarven.

In den letzten Jahren wurden erhebliche Fortschritte beim Verständnis des Klimawandels, seiner Ursachen und Folgen erzielt. Es gibt jedoch einen großen Strom von Desinformationen, die darauf abzielen, die öffentliche Meinung zu verwirren und Zweifel an der Existenz des Klimawandels zu wecken. Die Medien und die sozialen Medien sind zu den wichtigsten Trägern von Fake News geworden. Dennoch werden sich die meisten jungen Menschen der Klimakrise zunehmend bewusst und sehen den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel als ein wichtiges Thema an.

SLACC ist ein von der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus+ kofinanziertes Projekt.

SLACC is a project, co-funded by the European Commission within the programme Erasmus+, which arises from the need to debunk the myths relating to climate change.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences. However, there is a huge flow of disinformation aimed at confusing public opinion and creating doubt about the existence of climate change. The media and social media have become the main vehicles for fake news. Yet most young people are becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis and see the fight against climate change as a crucial issue.

SLACC is a project, co-funded by the European Commission within the programme Erasmus+, which arises from the need to debunk the myths relating to climate change.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences. However, there is a huge flow of disinformation aimed at confusing public opinion and creating doubt about the existence of climate change. The media and social media have become the main vehicles for fake news. Yet most young people are becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis and see the fight against climate change as a crucial issue.

SLACC is a project, co-funded by the European Commission within the programme Erasmus+, which arises from the need to debunk the myths relating to climate change.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences. However, there is a huge flow of disinformation aimed at confusing public opinion and creating doubt about the existence of climate change. The media and social media have become the main vehicles for fake news. Yet most young people are becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis and see the fight against climate change as a crucial issue.

SLACC je projekt, ki ga sofinancira Evropska komisija v okviru programa Erasmus+ in izhaja iz potrebe po razbijanju mitov o podnebnih spremembah.
V zadnjih letih je bil dosežen pomemben napredek pri razumevanju podnebnih sprememb, njihovih vzrokov in posledic. Kljub temu pa obstaja ogromen tok dezinformacij, katerih cilj je zmešati javno mnenje in ustvariti dvom o obstoju podnebnih sprememb. Mediji in družbeni mediji so postali glavna sredstva za lažne novice. Vendar se večina mladih čedalje bolj zaveda podnebne krize in vidi boj proti podnebnim spremembam kot ključno vprašanje.