A course with different H5P content types (examples from the H5P home page and others)
- Trainer/in: Kerstin Hartje
- Trainer/in: Jens-Michael Lohse
- Trainer/in: Natalia Santos
- Trainer/in: Tim Scholze
A course with different H5P content types (examples from the H5P home page and others)
- Trainer/in: Paula Cardoso
- Trainer/in: Maria Sofia Fernandes de Pinho Lopes
- Trainer/in: monica franco
- Trainer/in: Roberto Gamboa
- Trainer/in: Sofia Máximo
- Trainer/in: Gilberto Moiteiro
- Trainer/in: Therese Mougat
- Trainer/in: Natalia Santos
A course with different H5P content types (examples from the H5P home page and others)
- Trainer/in: Marijke Brants
- Trainer/in: Loredana Ceccacci
A course with different H5P content types (examples from the H5P home page and others)
- Trainer/in: Piotr Knas
- Trainer/in: Jaap van Lakerveld
- Trainer/in: Anja Zonneveld
A course with different H5P content types (examples from the H5P home page and others)
- Trainer/in: Joachim Plusquin
- Trainer/in: Trix Reekmans
test 1
Acquisire competenze chiave attraverso un corso di formazione on-line
l'app è pensata per accompagnare i volontari nel percorso di formazione per Monumenti Aperti sull'antico mattatoio di Cagliari, oggi riconvertito in centro sperimentale per le arti contemporanee.
- Trainer/in: Marco Cabitza
- Trainer/in: Giancarlo Zedda